Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A simple robot under construction "Robin v1.0"

A Simple Robot Tutorial

(On request by some friends).

I am making this robot completely on request, for the purpose of making Simple tutorial for making your own robot just for beginners (Note: not an expert level one, just a simple one for beginners , anyone can make it in simple steps . And coding is also not complex.) It will be based on simple AGENT PROGRAM (A.I)

Once I am done with this robot, i will upload a complete tutorial for making this robot on my website and blogs.I found a small broken toy car which had perfect tires , so decided to break it and decoded to transform it into a small robot.

This robot has no sensors , I call it as “robin v1.0” , in next robot I will add an IR [Infra red ]sensors and make it as an object detection and it will be “robin v1.1” , for now lets begin with our “robin v1.0”

I will use simple D.C motor and pic18f4550 microcontroller. Pic18f4550 is one of my favorite microcontroller because of its USB features. [to be very frank u can use 555 timer too to make my robin v1.0 , but since you cannot code a 555 and microcontrollers gives more degree of freedom to code, so I will go with microcontroller , plus u can code it the way u want it.] In My next version would be Robin v1.1, v1.2 where i will use Sensors and some complex motors like . Stepper motor and Servos. {PWM}

More details coming Soon

Keep reading, Thanks

Rakesh Ron

Please Visit my Website for more projects


My channel for more




Friday, January 20, 2012

JHD 16 2a LCD working with pic18f4550 "PICDEM FS USB"

JHD 16 2a LCD working with pic18f4550 "PICDEM FS USB"

Its a small demonstration of a jhd 16 2a lcd, jhd 16 2a is a small 2x16 character lcd , that i am controlling with PIC18F4550 microcontroller .

jhd 162A lcd interfacing‎ 2x16 char , 16 pins

The board is a home made PICDEM FS USB development board that i have made, the jhd 16 2a is connected to the microcontroller , i have used small C# application that i have made with a open-source LCD framework found over Internet. The Application is written C# that is controlling the text.

I will be posting /posted a detailed tutorial on my page and on instructables.


Thanks for watching.

Rakesh Ron


Monday, January 2, 2012

ROBOT wheels. Sensing Position with a mouse wheel.


Using mouse wheels, LCD display , pic18f2550 , C# , and MPLAB IDE (HI-TECH C compiler for 18f )

The Project is based on pic18f2550 interfaced with a 2x16 LCD [JHD 162A] and a mouse. I found an unused mouse and decided to use it in my robot.

You can Interface this project with your robot , and have it all displayed as a cool display on the LCD.

This project uses Visual 2010 C# , and is interfaced with pic18f2550

BASE FIRMWARE written in MPLAB IDE and HI-tech C compiler
and for mouse i am using a small software written in c#
in C# i am using mouse wheel event e delta property.


 Create a Mouse wheel event
      IF (e.Delta >0)
Display ("forward")
Display ("Backwards:)

Looks simple right?

:) :)

Thanks for watching

IF you wish to download the Edelta property Mouse wheel event project then you can get it on the link below.

E.delta property Mouse wheel


Thanks for watching